Custom Coat of Arms with Optional Outer Crest, Mantling and Banners - 3D Sculpted into Metal

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  • Regular price $289.00
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Create your family coat of arms, or any coat of arms really, or your company logo in a really cool way. Or, if you changed your name to a symbol (a la Prince), show off your new graphic to the world. The possibilities are endless. Best of all, you get to use our Glorious Coat-of-Arms-inator to interactively make your design! (Yeah, names aren't really our thing).  

You'll have the option to upload your own coat-of-arms graphic or have us look through our database to find your coat of arms. To upload your own coat of arms graphic, use the "File Upload" button below. If you want us to find your coat of arms, just mention it in the order comments and we'll look it up for you and contact you with what we find.

To order, just select whether you want just the helm and mantling or if you want to add a banner with the family name (If there's no banner, we add the family name to the top of the metal shield. You can keep your coat of arms un-mounted (paperweight style) or we'll mount it in a shadowbox for a glamourous and protected style. Alternately, if you're looking for a simpler version, you can select our self-contained coat of arms with no external crest, mantling or banner. You can find that version here.

Coats-of-Arms are about 7" high with a crest, and about 9" with crest and banner. They're made out of a polished aluminum-alloy about .375" thick. The metal is antiqued for contrast and coolness. They have a nice heft to them, too (more than 1/2 a pound without shadowbox).

Looking for something different? Ask us about unit patches, corporate logos, and custom awards/gifts made in whatever shape you like! Oh, and we offer a His/Hers coat of arms presentation for weddings. All of those options will have their own Glorious Interactivators soon. Until then, use the Contact link at the bottom of the page to send us an inquiry.